Being A Campus Ambassador at UAB
Circle of Sisterhood campus ambassadors benefit from the work they do educate others about the mission of CofS. Laura Burns, VP of Philanthropy & Service for the Panhellenic Council at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, sharpens her public speaking skills every time she has the opportunity to share stories about her involvement. Her passion for girls and women to have access not only to schools but to the resources they need to be successful makes it easy to talk to the masses.
“I have a minor in psychology, so I relate it to the domino effect, when you hit one, one falls,” Laura said. “Imagine it as impacting one life that will impact another. Give a woman access to education and she will help educate others.”
Leslie Hemby, VP of Diversity & Inclusivity for the Panhellenic Council at the University of Alabama at Birmingham shares that same passion for education and sees the work of the Circle of Sisterhood as an opportunity to make an impact on the world. Their Panhellenic motto is “Knowledge will change the world” and we couldn’t agree more!
“I always had an interest in a career in the male dominated field of medicine. I remember being told I could not do things because I was a girl,” Leslie said. “I also want to be a role model for my younger siblings. I hope girls, especially my sisters can see that they have opportunities.”’
Continuing to open the door to educational opportunities comes from the important work that these women are doing. On the UAB campus, Laura hosted a basket raffle in support of CofS Day of Giving and Leslie held a book drive in honor of World Literacy Day. These events gave the sorority community at UAB a chance to make an impact locally and globally. The funds raised in support of CofS will be used to help remove barriers to education for girls and women worldwide, and the 235 books collected will be impacting a local elementary school in Birmingham, AL.
One of Leslie’s favorite quotes is “never the less she persisted”. She knows that small acts lead to big change, and with the help of CofS, educated women like Laura and Leslie, will continue to come together to help remove barriers to education for girls and women around the world.