One World, One Sisterhood: For a Lifetime
For the most part, sorority membership begins in college. And then you graduate. This means tears as you drive away from your campus or chapter house and excitement as you begin a new journey in your life. You’re only a collegiate member for around four years; you will be an alumna member for decades. It is a lifetime commitment…you can become an advisor…serve as a consultant…or be a volunteer. You can be an officer in your alumnae chapter…you can serve on the local alumnae Panhellenic…the list goes on.
Our volunteers have chosen to continue their commitment they made to service and philanthropy as undergraduates and volunteer with the Circle of Sisterhood Foundation. They are committed to removing educational barriers for women and girls around the world. Your Circle of Sisterhood Foundation involvement does not have to end with your college graduation. These are just a few ways you can get involved:
1. Raise funds. Our collegiate women do such an amazing job raising funds. We were shocked by their commitment to meeting our goal to build a school in Senegal, and we know they will rise to the occasion with every goal we set. We also see fantastic fundraising from our alumnae sorority women. As alumna we lead busy lives, but by staying connected and setting aside funds to support the Foundation, we can continue to live our sorority values and know we are making our Founders proud.
2. Spread the word. There are still many campuses and sorority women that have not heard of the Circle of Sisterhood Foundation. Considering helping us in our outreach. If you move to a new area, find out what people know. Work through one of our Campus Relationship Managers (CRM’s) and contact a local campus about what they can do. Work with your alumnae chapter to fundraise or educate. Get the message out there!
“I believe in education, leadership, and advocacy by and for women. Circle of Sisterhood brings sorority women together for these causes- how could I not take time to spread the word? Founder Ginny Carroll’s mission is contagious- I hope women of all affiliations use this Foundation as a way to give back to the sisterhoods that enrich our lives. We can and do enrich the lives of women around the world through Circle of Sisterhood.”
Allison Mrasek, Chi Omega
3. Support collegiate efforts. A fun way to stay involved is to find out what the collegiate women in your area are sponsoring or hosting during the academic year. This creates great opportunities for partnerships between alumnae chapters and college panhellenics.
“Ginny and the Circle of Sisterhood give so much to women across the world but also to the collegians that get the unique opportunity to be involved. I continue to work with and support the Circle of Sisterhood as an alumna for just that reason. I support collegiate efforts in order to provide current college women the experience that truly changed my life and opened my eyes to the power of Sorority.”
Chelsea Ostebo, Gamma Phi Beta
4. Volunteer your time. The Circle of Sisterhood Foundation is completely dependent on volunteers. If you are looking for a rewarding volunteer experience, with an organization that is full of passionate and strong women, this is the perfect place to dedicate your time. It’s is a great way to share your love of sorority and to make a positive impact on the world.
“I’ve been involved with the Circle of Sisterhood Foundation since early 2011. I was a relatively new mom at the time and seeking an opportunity to use my skills on my own time and ‘practice what I preach’ about service and volunteerism for my daughters. Most people are surprised to learn that everything done within the Foundation is volunteer-driven, relying on undergraduate students and alumnae volunteers nationwide. The experience has been personally gratifying, knowing that we are making a difference regionally, nationally and globally every day.”
Aimee Ash, Delta Gamma
In closing, when I graduated I was engaged with my sorority and I worked as a leadership consultant, but something was missing. I had been a college panhellenic officer for two years and I realized very quickly that what I missed was the camaraderie that comes with working with sorority women from other organizations. And I missed the Circle of Sisterhood and the way I felt when I was involved with it. It is so rewarding to know, without a doubt, that you are making a difference. Now, as a volunteer for the Foundation I get to work with phenomenal sorority women that inspire me daily, and I know that we are collectively living our values and building a better world for women and girls.
We encourage you, our alumnae and collegiate readers, to continue to dedicate your time and support to the Circle of Sisterhood Foundation. Raise funds! Spread the word! Support collegiate efforts! And volunteer your time, if you can! For more information visit
This blog was written by Mia McCurdy, a volunteer for the marketing committee within the Circle of Sisterhood Foundation. She works for the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life at the University of Minnesota. She is a proud Gamma Phi Beta and is a graduate of Columbia University.