Ana Jafarinia’s Passion to Join the Circle of Sisterhood Was Inspired by Her Grandmother

The Circle of Sisterhood was created to leverage the influence of sorority women – one of the most educated communities of women in the world – to remove barriers to education for girls and women. Our impact has been incredibly significant over the past ten years because of women like Ana Jafarinia, whose commitment to CofS started in college six years ago.

When Ana was going through recruitment as a freshman, she heard about CofS, which she said gave her a “why” for getting involved in sorority life. Being committed to her own education and being a champion for women around the world was one of the most fulfilling aspects of the sorority.

“My grandmother had grown up without proper schooling and was held back in what she could achieve as a result, but she always believed education was freedom and power,” Ana said. “Through Circle of Sisterhood, I am able to spread her story and promote this cause that I care so deeply about.”

When she was the Philanthropy Director, she worked with the Panhellenic community to raise money for their first school build, which was in Senegal. While she wasn’t able to travel there with her sisters, watching such a huge event unfold made her even more committed to the work of the CofS. After graduation, Ana began serving as a Campus Ambassador for CofS with the hopes of getting more involved doing her part to “Be Her Hero”, especially as she’s been reflecting on the economic and social inequities during these uncertain times that were brought to the forefront by COVID-19. She knows that the drive and energy the women of CofS have is what makes her confident that they will continue to break down barriers to education.

“Women can, and will be, the architects of a better future and knowing this has deepened my commitment to Circle of Sisterhood’s mission,” Ana said. “Gender equity and women’s education has become one of my deepest passions and I hope to make it my life’s work.”

Please join Ana, over 3,000 alumnae, and the 260+ campus sorority communities that are coming together to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of this important movement. And join our special virtual event featuring Pulitzer Prize winner and best-selling author, Sheryl WuDunnon September 30th at 7pm ET. Click here to receive the official invite to this Zoom event.

As CofS shares more stories like Ana’s leading up to our Day of Giving and celebration September 30th, be sure to join in the conversation by sharing with us the women are in your life who inspire you to leave an impact on this world. Tag CofS on Facebook, Instagram and/or Twitter, as well as use #BeHerHero to come together to make a difference.

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